Does anyone use the pcnfs option on the filer. I am looking into using this with the windows services for unix that has recently popped up and was wondering if it is reliable.
CIFS is not an option for various reasons I won't go into.
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i got a costumer running pcnfs on the filer w/ satisfaction the only prb he has is a strange one using solstice solstice is an old product from sun (no more under support...) which enable windoz user to join a unix domain (nis) the Filer is able to serve files correctly to the most of client but for unknown reason some costumer sometimes see files w/ the short name (8.3 shceme) i don't think it is related to the Filer as if you erase the station and rebuild it from a ghost, you enconter the pb again. i think this is related to solstice and the wqy the nis server keeps some hidden backup information
i personnaly tried this at office and it works ok
Jerry wrote:
Does anyone use the pcnfs option on the filer. I am looking into using this with the windows services for unix that has recently popped up and was wondering if it is reliable.
CIFS is not an option for various reasons I won't go into.
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