Thanks Blake.
What I like to use the old script for was displaying the list of hosts connected to the filer, especially when I have done data migrations and the admins look to me to tell them which of their hosts are connected.
I know I can do this as a one-off but the script is nice as it keeps updating as systems disconnect and connect.
--- Scott Eno
On Jul 20, 2012, at 6:25 PM, Blake Golliher wrote:
Is this script very different from nfsstat -l output on the filer, or the vfiler as it were?
When I've used multistore I kept them down to single volume. Would volume based statistics work for you?
"priv set -q diag ; stats show -i 1 -r -e volume:multistorevol1:nfs"
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Scott Eno wrote:
The file is attached.
On Jul 20, 2012, at 04:51 PM, "Ehrhart, Rick" wrote:
Hi Scott –
The attachment I received did not have a script. Regards,
- Rick -
From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Eno Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 13:28 To: Subject:
Anyone got a version of this old NetApp provided script that will work with storage systems using Multistore?
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