I got two filers recently each configured a different way. They each contain two shelves. One had 2 drives used and the other marked spare, which was nice because I could config it any way I wanted. The other has all the drives setup into one 300G volume. Is it possible to pair a volume back down to just the two drives and create another volume?
I got two filers recently each configured a different way. They each contain two shelves. One had 2 drives used and the other marked spare, which was nice because I could config it any way I wanted. The other has all the drives setup into one 300G volume. Is it possible to pair a volume back down to just the two drives and create another volume?
Brian, A raid group (a subset of a volume) cannot be shrunk. In order to reclaim disks that are already part of a raid group (volume) you must destroy the volume. If there is only one volume on the filer then you must boot floppy and then choose option 4 (Initialize all disks) then when the system starts to come up it will ask you how many disks you would like to add to the root volume. Hope that answers your question.