We run CIFS (NT) only filers here, Migration was straight forward enough for us as we where running NT servers at the time. We used more command files than you could shake a stick at, mainly to do with coping data from our server to the filers, creating users shares, applying permissions and changing user accounts.
A couple of things that caught out a little where that we used all local groups in our domain model and had to change them all to global groups that the filer understood and the version of OnTAP we used was a little flaky (5.3.6h1r2d2) that said now we're up to 6.0.1r3 things are a lot more stable. Oh and the NetApp support guys appear to have a Unix bias, we have had only CIFS on both our boxes from the start and still get ask to do NFS stuff to trouble shoot problems!
Dave Kennard