Greetings toasters,
For network product planning purposes, I am taking a very brief & un-scientific poll on your use of NFS. Your participation is entirely optional but greatly appreciated. All replies will be kept confidential.
Do you use:
NFSv2, NFSv3 or both? If both, what % mix?
TCP, UDP or both? If both, what % mix?
CIFS, HTTP, FTP, etc. in addition to NFS? If so, what % mix?
A layer 2 protocol *other* than Ethernet? If so, which one?
Optional Bonus Round - What is (are) your:
State, or country if outside the USA?
Top three applications for filers? (one or two is OK as well)
Application server platform(s) of choice?
Ethernet speed (10,100 or gigabit)?
In the interest of minimizing postings to the toasters list, please reply directly to me,
Thank you for your participation! Arnie
Arnie Thompson Networking Product Manager Network Appliance 408/822-8915 (Sunnyvale office) 415/664-5917 (home office) 415/305-5448 (mobile/pager/voicemail)