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On Oct 19, 2009, at 11:18 AM, Kevin Davis wrote:
As someone who's run 10s of thousands of email systems, and spent a number of years working on preventing spam- this was pretty low on the stupid scale. I wouldn't spend too much time on the first two questions (I'm guessing the person responsible is suitably embarassed), or worrying about it too much, at all really, but submitting additions via a webapp that can sanity check things wouldn't hurt, and Its a great "give the interns something to do" project.
Agreed. The number of messages was small-potatoes in the grand scheme of things. "delete" works just fine.
And folks, let's hear it for NetApp responding from Dave Hitz's level to something like this; I hardly think we could expect the same from that other storage vendor should the same type of thing originate from their domain. Thanks, Dave, for responding so quickly and taking the time to explain.
Now, can we get SMB2.x support built in to 8.0.x? ;)
*------------------------------------------*-----------------------* | Kevin Davis (UNIX/Storage Sysadmin) | Natick, Massachusetts | | 508.647.7660 | 01760-2098 | | *-----------------------* | | | *------------------------------------------*-----------------------*