Wanted to run this past y'all before actually doing it.
We have a project under way to reconfigure how we are using our netapps (2 FAS940s and 2 F820s) and get thema ll upgraded to Data OnTAP 7. Our two 820s are nearly full, so upgrading them to OnTAP 7 and then getting everything into FlexVols was going to be annoying and drawn out for lack of spare disk space to create an aggregate and get the cascade of traditional volumes to FlexVols going.
Instead, we are thinking of attaching a new DS14 shelf to one of our FAS940s which already has OnTAP 7 on it, copy all the data from an F820 to an aggregate built from the disks in the DS14. Reconfigure the F820 by removing old low-density disk shelves and upgrade it to Data OnTAP 7, and then move the DS14 on the FAS940 to the F820.
Moving disk shelves and what not around isn't a problem. I'm familiar with that. The kink here is that we need to switch from ESH modules in the DS14 to LRCs when we move it from the FAS940 to the F820. Does anyone know if that will cause a problem?