We are actually doing this slightly differently. The filer started out as pure Unix, so everything is using Unix security. When we added the Winframe servers (soon to move to TSE or Win2000), I found that I was able to make a CIFS Home directory on the filer:
options cifs.home_dir /pchomes
Then from the /pchomes directory, make symbolic links to the users actual (unix) home directory on the filer:
bob -> /homes_systems/bob jim -> /homes_software/jim
Now the user's home dir will be visible under TSE as \filer\userid (assuming the same userids on NT and Unix). You can setup the user's profile on TSE to mount this path automatically upon login. The beauty is that no unix home dirs have to be changed, and no additional mounts or automounts are needed.
From owner-toasters@mathworks.com Wed Jun 21 14:52:50 2000 Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:57:00 +0100 From: "David Lockwood" David.Lockwood@benettonformula.com To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Filer (F740) with CIFS and NT Terminal Server Edition (Metaframe) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by smtp.mathworks.com id FAA02894 Precedence: bulk
Has anybody had any experience using a filer with NT Terminal Server Edition and Metaframe. I want to be able to have users UNIX (HP-UX 10.20) home directories on the filer and for the user to also be able to access that data from their Terminal Server (Metaframe 1.8) session.
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