We have just been informed by Network Appliance that only *one* tape *drive* per adapter is supported on 5.1.2. (We have been running with 1 adapter/2 drives since August on 4.3 and then 5.0 and now on 5.1.2 since we upgraded.)
Was anyone else aware of this? This came about due to a call we placed when removing a stuck tape rebooted the filer... -------
Kelly Wyatt, saskww@wnt.sas.com mailto:saskww@wnt.sas.com Integrated Solutions Consulting SAS Institute Inc. / SAS Campus Drive / Cary, NC 27513 (919) 677-8000 X4279 (Voice) / (919) 677-4444 (FAX) http://www.sas.com http://www.sas.com