How did you map the drive? Did you use the AutoExNT service as described at ? We've had very good luck with it. Another thing you might want to check is that there are no "Advanced Revelation" NT services running as the 'System' account. System has full control of the local filesystem of the server, but has NO RIGHTS outside of the box (network drives, etc...)
John Witham Senior Data Networking Engineer Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. V://847.383.3304 F://847.383.3205 mailto:// Confucius say he who play as root eventually kill tree
-----Original Message----- From: Zekeriya Eskiocak [] Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 2:14 AM To: neil lehrer Cc: Subject: RE: Advanced Revelation on Netapp
Thanks to all friends who responded to my question. I think I could not explain my problem exactly. The application which is called "advanced revelation" is working on winnt 4.0 server and uses its resources-that is a service running on the server. what I have tried is that I mapped the filer volume to the server as F drive and copied all files regarding the application, then tried to run it. It gave a message that it could not find the data files even thet was there on the F drive. This is my problem.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of neil lehrer Sent: 19 Kasym 2001 Pazartesi 23:34 To: Cc: Zekeriya Eskiocak; Subject: Re: Advanced Revelation on Netapp
if you are running from a dos machine you should be able to use the dos smb drivers from microsoft - the ones that came from lanmanager. if you are using any windows based machine the drivers should be there. wrote:
I would definately be interested in hearing if you get this to work. My company has a few DOS based lab workstations that I would like to connect to our Filers. The problem is that there is no utility/driver to provide the SMB protocol to DOS. You can get the IPX protocol for DOS but the Filers do not support IPX. We have not tried to build a NetWare server to act as a gateway though. In theory the DOS system could connect to the NetWare server using IPX. The NetWare server would have the NFS.nlm running to connect it to a Filer. I do something similar for our
users. I have a Linux box that uses NFS to connect to the Filers and then it runs the AppleShare protocol as a gateway for the Macs. I do not know if IPX restricts sharing a share like SMB and NFS do (e.g., an SMB/NFS client - server or workstation - can not then make that share available to clients of its own)
Michael Cope Unix Systems Administrator Isis Pharmaceuticals
"Zekeriya Eskiocak" To:
<zeskiocak@pro-lin cc:> Subject: Advanced
Revelation on Netapp
Sent by: owner-toasters@mat 11/19/01 12:49 PM
Hi All,
I tried to run on my Netapp F820 an old DOS based 16 bit application
"advanced revelation" uses a flat file database. Unfortunately I am not successful. The application does not recognize the mapped network drive.
there any way/trick to make it working on the filer? Has anybody tried such applications on Netapp Filers or remote drives?
Thanks in advance
Zekeriya Eskiocak System Engineer
Prolink Services
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Neil Lehrer + + United States International Broadcasting Bureau + System Development Division + + voice 202 619-2524 + fax 202 619-3576 + + + " is this crisis an opportunity or just + another grab the fire extinguisher moment?" + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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