Deepak -- As I haven't been able to come up with any performance numbers for
700, 800, 900 series, can you let us know how your oracle db
performs on
the 880?
We are currently using an F760 with a gig network, tcp, etc and
we are
seeing a lot of I/O waits pertaining to Oracle temp and redos.
be interested in if you also see a bottleneck in that area.
art hebert
-----Original Message-----
From: Deepak Soneji []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 8:08 PM
To: Mike Sphar;
Subject: Re: Sun Solaris 8 optimal performance with F880
I agree with you. Mostly I am going to use TCP and as you said
about dropped packets, we are working with Cisco to identify
the problem. At this moment, I am not confident of using UDP.
We will have several Oracle databases running on the filer and
I dont want to take any chances to corrupt the data.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Sphar" mike.sphar@Remedy.COM
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: RE: Sun Solaris 8 optimal performance with F880
There is of course some additional overhead associated with the TCP
though, which is why it really depends on the reliability of your network
and clients to determine which of the two protocols is ideal for your
Certainly in the situation being described, where a client is dropping
packets, TCP will likely be the better choice. (Though I'd also want to
to address the dropped packet problem as well if possible.)
Mike Sphar - Sr Systems Administrator - Remedy Corporation
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Salmon []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: Sun Solaris 8 optimal performance with F880
On Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:04:35 PM -0700 Deepak Soneji wrote:
| Brian/Tim
| Great ! READS are greatly improved upto 12-15 mbps after changing
| to 8k.
| Any idea about what magic numbers for read/write I should try to achieve
| while tuning ?
| Another question, why TCP ?
UDP has no retry mechanism so if you loose any of the 22 packets involved
in a 32k transfer then you need to start again. A powerful server sending
to a weaker client is a good way to ensure that packets are lost. TCP has
mechanism to ensure that packets are not lost and hence works better when
the packet recipient is the weaker partner.
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