Also, here's a real item: I'm seeing fairly high error and collision rates on my F330's quad ethernet card, (10BaseT Quad-Ethernet Controller (Znyx)) and was wondering if there are any known issues with this card, since the network traffic on these four nets does not warrent this high error rate (I'm on OnTap 4.3.1).
Note that collision is not the same as error! On standard half-duplex Ethernet, a collision is a normal and healthy phenomenon - simply means that the Ethernet flow control meachnism is working.
It's okay to be worried about high error rates. High *collision* rates (as long as we're not talking about "late collision") aren't really all that meaningfull by themselves - what you should probably look at is the *utilization* of the Ethernet segment.
Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,