This would require downtime on the existing system unless it already has cluster hardware installed. It may even require downtime if the hardware is already there, but I'm not sure. Can anyone provide any insight here?
If the hardware isn't there, you'd have to down your existing filer, install the cluster interconnect card, cable it to the new head, bring the original up, license clustering, setup the other system for clustering, .... I'm sure you get the idea =).
I would probably choose the 10 minute head swap.
Jeff Mery, MCP National Instruments
------------------------------------------------------------------- "Allow me to extol the virtues of the Net Fairy, and of all the fantastic dorks that make the nice packets go from here to there. Amen." TB - Penny Arcade -------------------------------------------------------------------
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 1:21 PM To: Subject: cold head swap or temporary cluster finangle?
I have an F760 I need to swap out with a new F760. A cold swap would only cause 10 minutes of downtime, but it would be cool setup a temporary cluster and do a takeover with no downtime.
How feasible is this? Would setting up the cluster situtaion mandate a reboot of the filer in question anyway?
-tavis New Dream Network
Just to add the cluster license requires a reboot if I remember correct. And you will have to do a lot of configuring too.
The headswap is by far what I would prefer...
-----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: [] På vegne av Sendt: 6. august 2004 20:48 Til:; Emne: RE: cold head swap or temporary cluster finangle?
This would require downtime on the existing system unless it already has cluster hardware installed. It may even require downtime if the hardware is already there, but I'm not sure. Can anyone provide any insight here?
If the hardware isn't there, you'd have to down your existing filer, install the cluster interconnect card, cable it to the new head, bring the original up, license clustering, setup the other system for clustering, .... I'm sure you get the idea =).
I would probably choose the 10 minute head swap.
Jeff Mery, MCP National Instruments
------------------------------------------------------------------- "Allow me to extol the virtues of the Net Fairy, and of all the fantastic dorks that make the nice packets go from here to there. Amen." TB - Penny Arcade -------------------------------------------------------------------
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 1:21 PM To: Subject: cold head swap or temporary cluster finangle?
I have an F760 I need to swap out with a new F760. A cold swap would only cause 10 minutes of downtime, but it would be cool setup a temporary cluster and do a takeover with no downtime.
How feasible is this? Would setting up the cluster situtaion mandate a reboot of the filer in question anyway?
-tavis New Dream Network