We have been having problems backing up our Netapp filer using Amanda. We are using the modified dump program for Netapp but still everytime the amanda script runs it finds the mounted disk offline.
The following are the entries in our Tape Backup server running Amanda server( it hosts the tape device too )...../etc/fstab file:
/dev/sda5 on / type ext2 (rw) none on /proc type proc (rw) /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext2 (rw) /dev/sdb1 on /SPOOL1 type ext2 (rw) /dev/sdc1 on /SPOOL2 type ext2 (rw) none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) automount(pid468) on /misc type autofs (rw,fd=5,pgrp=468,minproto=2,maxproto=3) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata on /netapp/oradata/backup type nfs (ro ,addr=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/etc on /netapp/etc type nfs (ro,addr=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of our Filer Interface)
Also, the entries in the disklist file corresponding to the Netapp Filer is:
# BEGIN NETAPP SECTION # Netapp filesystems via modified dump program. xxx.navin.com /netapp/oradata/backup nocomp-user -1 local # END NETAPP SECTION
where xxx.navin.com is the FQDN of our Tape Backup Server.
I have the debug option ON during the Dump......and /tmp/dumpout gives the following log output for the Netapp filesystem:
---- [25044]: Mon Jul 9 19:02:01 2001 [25044]: dump 0Shsf 0 1048576 - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata [25044]: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata: No such file or directory while opening filesystem^M ---- [25047]: Mon Jul 9 19:02:03 2001 [25047]: dump 1Shsf 0 1048576 - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata [25047]: DUMP: WARNING: There is no inferior level dump on this filesystem [25047]: DUMP: WARNING: Assuming a level 0 dump by default [25047]: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata: No such file or directory while opening filesystem^M ----
Also, the /tmp/amanda/sendsize.debug contains the following entries:
asking killpgrp to terminate calculating for amname '/netapp/oradata/backup', dirname '/netapp/oradata/backup' sendsize: getting size via dump for /netapp/oradata/backup level 0 sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0Shsf 0 1048576 - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/or acle/oradata" running /usr/local/amanda/libexec/killpgrp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata: No such file or directory while op ening filesystem^M ..... (no size line match in above dump output) ..... asking killpgrp to terminate sendsize: getting size via dump for /netapp/oradata/backup level 1 sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 1Shsf 0 1048576 - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/or acle/oradata" running /usr/local/amanda/libexec/killpgrp DUMP: WARNING: There is no inferior level dump on this filesystem DUMP: WARNING: Assuming a level 0 dump by default xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/vol/vol1/home/oracle/oradata: No such file or directory while op ening filesystem^M ..... (no size line match in above dump output)
Based on the above info, is there anything that you see could be the problem. Amanda is backing up every other host on our network except for The Netapp Filer. Desperately looking for some advice.
Thanks in advance,
Ashwin .....