If you read carefully the Legato documentation you will find out the in order to create the indexes for a NDMP dump legato will use temporary space on the server. You should have enough free space (and maybe swap too) to accomodate the indexes creation. Regards, Itzik
-----Original Message----- From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com]On Behalf Of Jean-Francois Aupee Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:20 PM To: toasters Subject: backup via ndmp
I have a problem to backup my netapps via ndmp :
My server is a HP9000 serie K420 , 2Go RAM, 2Go swap, with networker 6.0.1 ( patch 1 ).
The jukebox is attached directly to one netapp.
I run the backup and I receive the following message :
It's a part of the message:
* netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup NDMP Service Log: DUMP IS DONE * netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup nsrdmpix: error, out of memory * netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup ****************************************************************** * netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup ------ E R R O R ------- * netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup Failed to store index entries * netapp3:/vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup ****************************************************************** netapp3: /vol/ApplCAD/.snapshot/netapp3_backup level=full, 1969 GB 07:38:47 7935328 files bckserv1: index:netapp3 level=full, 1 KB 00:00:04 2 files
The backup of data is done, but networker don't save the index !!!
Caould you help me ? -- _____________________________________________________________________
Jean-Francois AUPEE AtosOrigin - Philips Semiconductors Caen 2, rue de la girafe - B.P. 5120 14079 Caen Cedex, France
Tel: (+33) 2 31 45 22 77 Fax: (+33) 2 31 45 22 60
SERI: aupee@rtccnh1 E-MAIL: mailto:Jean-Francois.Aupee@atosorigin.com aupee@caen.sc.philips.com _____________________________________________________________________