I am the technical contact in NetApp Marketing responsible for the Oracle relationship.
The software that officially supports Oracle will be the 4.3 release of OnTap. This software goes to external Beta test this week and should be generally available by the middle of October.
The changes to support Oracle were small but very relevant and will be documented in an upcoming whitepaper describing the correct configurations for NFS, Oracle, and OnTap to ensure maximum performance and reliability when storing Oracle database files. This paper will be available in October.
Many customers have chosen to already run Oracle without these specific changes and have been having no problems. So I do encourage anyone interested in storing their datastores on a filer to start their testing immediately and to upgrade to OnTap 4.3 before going into production.
Any questions feel free to contact me.
Bruce Clarke Technical Manager - Business Development Network Appliance, Inc. Email: bclarke@netapp.com Phone: 408-367-3156
On Tuesday, September 30, 1997 11:14 AM, Brian Tao [SMTP:taob@nbc.netcom.ca] wrote:
Anyone have some technical information regarding the recent
announcement between Netapp and Oracle? Is there a new OnTap (5.0?) that needs to be uploaded on the filers, or is it something that can be done with the 4.x OS? What's special about this Oraclized version of OnTap?
-- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@netcom.ca) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
On Tue, 30 Sep 1997, Bruce Clarke wrote:
I am the technical contact in NetApp Marketing responsible for the Oracle relationship.
The software that officially supports Oracle will be the 4.3 release of OnTap. This software goes to external Beta test this week and should be generally available by the middle of October.
The changes to support Oracle were small but very relevant and will be documented in an upcoming whitepaper describing the correct configurations for NFS, Oracle, and OnTap to ensure maximum performance and reliability when storing Oracle database files. This paper will be available in October.
Many customers have chosen to already run Oracle without these specific changes and have been having no problems. So I do encourage anyone interested in storing their datastores on a filer to start their testing immediately and to upgrade to OnTap 4.3 before going into production.
Any questions feel free to contact me.
My first question would be: when Sybase? :-)
(I'm just plain greedy...)
-marc --- Marc Nicholas - Hippocampus OSD Inc. 416 979 9000 - fax: 416 979 8223 - http://www.hippocampus.net 125 John St. - Suite #100 - Toronto - Ontario - M5V 2E2 - CANADA "Inter/Intra/Extra[net] consulting, services, hardware and software sales"