How come you can't use netgroups except with the access directive?
How come you can't use netgroups except with the access directive?
Because it is inefficient to do otherwise.
The access= directive only needs to be checked when a NFS client mounts a volume. The root= directive needs to be checked for each NFS transaction.
In fact, you can change the root= directive right out from under a NFS client. A client can go from having root access to not having it without a remount. Also note that once a NFS client has a mount, you cannot take that mount away by simply removing the client from a netgroup because the netgroup is never checked again. You also have to umount on the NFS client.
Checking a netgroup can be time consuming because a netgroup may consist of nested netgroups, etc. You can speed things up with a NIS server, but you really don't want your NFS server doing a NIS lookup for each NFS transaction.
Basically, the root= list is limited to a rather short list of hostnames, which can be converted to a short list of IP addresses, so that the NFS server can quickly check root= access for each NFS transaction.
If you need to give root access to a large number of NFS clients, look into the anon=0 attribute, which gives root access to all NFS clients.
I believe that Solaris NFS servers now accept netgroups in all attributes. To make this efficient, they cache netgroup information to avoid looking it up repeatedly.
Steve Losen phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support