Hi, Last night we went LIVE! with a new set of web pages devoted to NetApp's Data Protection solutions. It can be found at:
Hopefully, some of your backup, tape device support and other data protection questions can now be answered by this content. At least it should prevent you from having to hunt & peck your way through NOW, etc for this data.
If you have any feedback/input on improving the DP site, please send me your comments.
Cheers, Grant
=========== grant@netapp.com ========== Grant Melvin === === Software Development Manager === === Data Availability & Management === |\ | __ ___ /\ __ __ === Network Appliance === | \ | |__ | /__\ |__| |__| === 475 East Java Drive === | | |__ | / \ | | (R) === Sunnyvale === === California, 94089 === === Tel:(408)822-6761 =========== Network Appliance ========== Fax:(408)822-4578