Sorry for the repost, I'm working out some personal issues with hotmail...
We are migrating into a larger NetBackup 4.5 domain and we are needing to change from using a Unix media server to a Windows media server. We also cannot use NDMP at this time. Both restrictions are mostly due to political, management, and budget reasons. So our choices as I see it are:
- Use PCNFS to backup/restore the NFS data and CIFS shares to backup CIFS data. - Use CIFS shares to backup/restore both NFS and CIFS data - Any others?
We tried both of the above and neither worked perfectly. After opening more security holes than I would have liked, we were able to backup the data successfully both ways. But the restores gave the errors at the end of this message. I'm not necessarily looking for a fix for the problems below, however it would be nice to know why this is happening. What I am looking for is the most reliable and secure method to backup our 12 filers using NetBackup 4.5 without using NDMP or a Unix media server. I think the most convenient would be to use the CIFS shares to backup all, but we have volumes that have both NFS and CIFS data inside. So, I?m a little weary about the recovery of file permission. I know the NFS permissions will still be there, but how would I actually recover the data from the Windows media server? When we recovered the NFS data to a NFS qtree from the Windows media server, it created files that I had to go into the netapp! .jsh cli to delete, and 2 files that I have no idea how to delete since nobody can delete from any platform and netapp.jsh says it cannot delete the file (Does anyone know how I can delete these files? I have the cifs.ignore_acl_for_nfs_root option on).
I would rather not use the PCNFS solution because it seems to be a bit insecure?or maybe I?m not setting it up correctly. Thanks in advance, Jeff
1/26/2004 2:45:13 PM mediaServer mediaServer Warning 276 Retrieve from client mediaServer: WRN - error writing file: \netappRestore\etc\log\ems.4 (err=WIN32 282: The mounted file system does not support extended attributes. ) 1/26/2004 2:45:14 PM mediaServer mediaServer Warning 276 Retrieve from client mediaServer: WRN - error writing byte: 116736 1/26/2004 2:45:15 PM mediaServer mediaServer Warning 276 Retrieve from client mediaServer: WRN - wanted buffer size: 16485 1/26/2004 2:45:20 PM mediaServer mediaServer Warning 276 Retrieve from client mediaServer: WRN - can't create file: \netappRestore\etc\boot\x86\firmware\rodan (WIN32 5: Access is denied. ) 1/26/2004 2:46:12 PM mediaServer mediaServer Error 276 Retrieve client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files 1/26/2004 2:49:33 PM mediaServer medi! aServer Warning 277 Retrieve from client mediaServer: WRN - can't create file: \netappBackup\C$\etc\zoneinfo\Asia\Makassar (WIN32 6: The handle is invalid. ) 1/26/2004 2:49:52 PM mediaServer mediaServer Error 277 Retrieve client restore EXIT STATUS 1: the requested operation was partially successful
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