Capital idea..
We would certainly like to have more surveys returned - we should like to see EVERY survey returned.
You have an excellent point - why not have a web-based survey form? Easy, friendly, quick.. Back in the days when I was a NetApp customer, I admit, I threw them away too - too much trouble to fill out the e-mail form; who has that kind of time anymore?
I have passed your idea along to the folks in Customer Satisfaction who can make this happen.
--- Justin Sullivan Network Appliance, Technical Support Engineer Network Appliance Certified Associate Get answers NOW! - NetApp On the Web - Tech Support Hotline: 1-888-4NETAPP
-----Original Message----- From: Chris Thompson [] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:04 PM To: Subject: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
What do you do with the the e-mail that arrives from after a problem is closed with NetApp, inviting you to fill in a "5 STARS Survey" form? I admit I throw them in the e-wastebin.
It seems to me that providing only a method of returning these (probably only marginally meaningful) answers by e-mail is absolutely pessimal. If they really want to increase the response rate, surely NetApp should provide a method using forms at My vague recollection is that at one time a WWW-browser-based method was offered, but this doesn't seem to be the case now.
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Sullivan, Justin wrote:
We would certainly like to have more surveys returned - we should like to see EVERY survey returned.
I have to admit, I used to fill these out, thinking NetApp was using some random sampling of cases in order to generate their metrics. But, it became quickly apparent that *every* call seems to generate a survey.
Now I just delete them, unless the service was extremely good or extremely bad. More often than not, it's just "okay." Filling out a survey saying "you guys did a middle-of-the-road job" is like watching a newscast that report on a plane on a routine flight that landed successfully at the airport. <yawn>
Might I suggest the suvey's include at least a descriptive ...ah ... description of the case? The last one I got said "Failure Error Message." And, which of the half-dozen cases I've entered in the past few weeks was that? Looking up the details in NOW revealed the subject there says "RBCLTO:Cluster Notification from filername (REBOOT (CLUSTER TAKEOVER))." Oh, yeah, now I remember. And, while I'm at it, the NOW pages have become way more cluttered, and slower, than they used to be. There are loads of icons/images "advertising" features of NetApps and NOW that are just getting in the way. It took me 2-3 minutes after logging into NOW just now to figure out where TF I could look back at my previous cases. It was buried under "Services and Support." Isn't that what NOW *is*? Didn't that used to be the "main" NOW page? And, why can't I look up a case solely by case number? I have to remember which filer it was associated with, too? Well, give me all the cases in the last month, then...
Can the personal customization of NOW include an option "Expert mode - avoid icons and marketing crap" or allow me to set my "home" NOW page to instead? Sure, I could bookmark it, but when I'm in the machine room and need to grab a random machine and login not under my own account...
Uh-oh. Looks like somebody is cranky this morning. Somebody hasn't had their juice box yet.
Until next time...
The Mathworks, Inc. 508-647-7000 x7792 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098 508-647-7001 FAX ---
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Todd C. Merrill wrote:
And, why can't I look up a case solely by case number? I have to remember which filer it was associated with, too? Well, give me all the cases in the last month, then...
Todd (and others who would find this useful) --
You *can* look up a case by number in the following manner:
start at NOW home (log in, if necessary) and go to Service & Support
under Technical Assistance & Documentation, go to Check Case Status
in the first set of Selection Criteria, select NetApp Case Number from the drop-down menu and enter in the case number in the text box
Now, I'm no NOW guru, but if this is useful functionality, it does seem to be a bit more buried than it should.
-- Shane
------- I won't bore you with the technology, but suffice it to say that neither company would be unhappy if they were able to disembowel the other.