Maybe someone at NetApp can answer this question...
What are the copying/license terms for ndmpcopy? The source code is copyright Network Appliance and PDC, contains a few disclaimers, but no terms for source modification and copying.
Maybe an Open Source license would be in order.
- Dan
We've been using some flaky old Wyse terminals for consoles on our netapps; I'd rather hook them up to a terminal server of some sort. I assume most any terminal server should work, but are there any favorites people have? (Or ones that should be avoided?)
+--- In a previous state of mind, Jim Davis jdavis@CS.Arizona.EDU wrote: | | assume most any terminal server should work, but are there any favorites | people have? (Or ones that should be avoided?)
I am partial to Livingston (Lucent) Portmasters. They are not the cheapest things in the world, but they work well.
"alexei" == alexei writes:
alexei> I am partial to Livingston (Lucent) Portmasters. They are not alexei> the cheapest things in the world, but they work well.
I've used pm-2e's before and they work pretty well. I currently have a Cisco AS2511-RJ (uhh, that's just a 2511 with 16 RJ-45 async ports rather that the two serial octopus), and it works great...
You can even set it up so that you don't have to do that nasty "telnet to console server on a high port"... ie, "telnet"