Hi Neil,
We use netuse and subst to map the drives via the logon script. We are currently running Ontap 5.3.6r2 with Win 2k clients
-----Original Message----- From: neil lehrer [mailto:nlehrer@ibb.gov] Sent: 17 April 2002 19:02 To: toasters Cc: Clawson, Simon Subject: Re: Mapped drives on Netapps disapearing
how do you map, thru windows explorer or net use? or something else? what ver of ontap?
"Clawson, Simon" wrote:
Has anyone ever seen a mapped drive, off a nteapps completly vanishing
a PC? We use win2k and map a drive to U:. However, on some machines the users report that this drive just disapears. If they re-run the logon
it reappears, and other CIFS shares stay in place on the machine..any
Simon Clawson TEL:-
(0)1635 811409 HDL Designer Series Team Systems Administrator FAX:- +44
810108 Mentor Graphics Ireland Ltd (UK Branch) MOB:-
(0)7788 716071 Rivergate London Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 2QB