disk firmware is installed along with the ontap software, in the /etc/disk_fw dir. To upgrade, first upgrade the filer firmware, if necessary for this ontap release. Then upgrade ontap. when the new ontap starts up, it will notify you if there are disks that are downlevel on firmware. Then you issue the disk_fw_update command on the filer to update the disks.
From owner-toasters@mathworks.com Tue Jun 13 13:54:02 2000 From: "Lobban, Robert W SSI-ISEP-3" Robert.W.Lobban@is.shell.com To: "'toasters@mathworks.com'" toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Help With Firmware Upgrades. Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 10:30:42 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: bulk
I am looking for some help with Disk firmware upgrades. Specifically do the updated .LOD files for Disk Firmware Upgrades come with the Filer Firmware Upgrades or do they need to be downloaded from the now site? If they do need downloaded from the now site, can you point me in the right direction as I can't seem to find them.
We also plan to upgrade the version of Ontap we are using and I presume that I need to perform the Disk firmware updates first and then the Filer Firmware upgrades before attempting the Ontap upgrade?.
Any help would be appreciated as we are a fairly new Toaster site performing our first complete upgrade.
Regards Robert Lobban
Shell Services International Ltd, Northern Area Office Robert.W.Lobban@IS.Shell.Com
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