Hey folks.
I just got some gigabit ethernet cards to replace my fddi
back-end network. The install went well (trivial) but all
release, non-5.x, DataONTAP versions have some bugs with
the gigabit ethernet.
So, I upgraded to 4.3.4D2 which supposedly has the fix.
It works well on my f540.
My f630 pukes horribly:
Probing devices
Finding image...
Loading 14 f 5 disk@0
Starting NetApp Release 4.3.4D2: Wed May 13 07:55:56 PDT 1998
Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Network Appliance, Inc.
PANIC: MM fault MMCSR=1, type=1, VA=0x79dba0, PC=0xfffffc00002a2d44
version: NetApp Release 4.3.4D2: Wed May 13 07:55:56 PDT 1998
cc flags: 1
dumping core: Error dumping core --- not dumped.
ok c
I quickly put the 4.3.3 boot floppy I had and we are back in service
and I am calming down.. :)
So, anybody able to decode this error?
It's a pretty brutal error that you probably can't do anything to fix.
Since 4.3.4D2 is unreleased and a patch you got from support (I assume)
particularly to address a Gigabit problem, then my guess it was never
tested on a 600 series. So you really need to talk to tech support
and let them know of the error and ask when a version of that will be
available for the 600 series. :)