We met with NetApps reps in the USA a month agoa nad they told us about this too. Apparently it has been completely certified for storage of VOBs..
-----Original Message----- From: Todd C. Merrill [mailto:tmerrill@mathworks.com] Sent: Tuesday May 2001 18:04 To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: ClearCase "certified" filers
I just received in the mail a notice that NetApp filers are "certified" for use with Rational's ClearCase product. In particular, it says:
"Network Appliance delivers network-attached storage solutions *certified for ClearCase 4.x* for complete VOB and View storage in UNIX, Windows, and multiprotocol environments. You get true single-copy data sharing between UNIX and Windows clients, without emulation software."
Last time we asked the Rational folks if they had customers using NetApps, the answer was yes. But, Rational still recommended the VOB and View *databases* reside on local disk on the VOB or View servers. Is that recommended restriction now gone?
Also, when we delved into it some more, it turns out we would still have needed Syntax TAS servers to serve the data to the CIFS clients, even though the various pools were stored on a NetApp. That is, clients would still have to request data via the ClearCase daemons on the various ClearCase servers. In other words, to fetch a file from the cleartext pool, for example, the client could NOT directly fetch it from the filer. Needless to say, performance via the ClearCase daemons was "sub-optimal."
My read of the statement in the brochure is that both restrictions have now been removed (database storage and TAS servers). Is this true?
Until next time...
The Mathworks, Inc. 508-647-7000 x7792 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098 508-647-7001 FAX tmerrill@mathworks.com