That's interesting... Informix has certified NetApp for storage... see this release.
I'm sure your local NetApp sales rep can give you more details about which specific versions of Informix products we are certified for.
:-----Original Message----- :From: Stephen C. Woods [] :Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 3:39 PM :To: :Subject: informix and netapps : : : Out admin folks have a bunch of INFORMIX(tm) databases that :we're thinking :about moving to a filer (740 5.3.2). : : The issue is database locking we've been told by Informix :that they don't :support databases on nfs filesystems because of locking problems. : : Is anyone here using INFORMIX on an NFS filsystem imported from a :filer? On one machine? Multiple machines? Multiple databases? : :----- :Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASnet; 2567 Boelter hall; LA CA :90095; (310)-825-8614 :Finger for public key,Internet :mail:scw@SEAS.UCLA.EDU :