Mention of patch releases prompts me to vent spleen about the following...
If you exercise NOW to fetch ONTAP 7.1.2 you end up at
which looks fine until you realise there's no reference to checksums for the files you are about to download. Mystified, I tried 7.1.2P1 instead, which ends one at
which has the expected link to a checksum page. So although I didn't need any of the fixes in the P1 version, I decide to use that instead.
Later, it occurred to me to look at
which does have a link to the checksums for the 7.1.2 files. But by then, it was too late ...
[In case you are wondering, I am not avoiding 7.2.x because of the problems described by various toaster-posters, but because I am stuck with an F800 series filer.]