OnTAP version?? this is what we got from netapp that helped us
Take the 4th hex number and convert it to decimal. Then do ls -lid on the all the directories on which directory was mounted from the server in question, looking for one with an imunber equal to the mount point file ID from the file handle.
you can of course do a find -inum instead
-------------------- John Jenkinson BP Exploration (Alaska)
From: Jay Orr[SMTP:orrjl@stl.nexen.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 8:03 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Cc: guy@netapp.com Subject: Stale File Handles
Ok, so I queried the list about this a year ago (early May '99) but am dealing with it again. Guy Harris was kind enough to help, and if you're out there I could use your help again.
We had a power outage a week ago that shut down all our desktop systems - but not our filers and servers. Now, we have at random times during the day a large majority of systems griping :
NFS write error on host hardrock: Stale NFS file handle. (file handle: 2ae0500 51356400 20000000 aa5c8 54417810 5c140000 2ae0500 51356400)
They all have the same File handle, and the toaster has no error messages in its etc/messages files. I tried rebooting a few systems, but they still generate these error messages. I was trying to figure out what file it is by extracting an INODE number, but what Guy said before doesn't match :
In 5.0, we had to add a file system ID; file handles in 5.0 and later consist of:
32-bit file ID for mount point 32-bit generation count for mount point 8-bit snapshot ID in which file resides 8-bit unused byte 32-bit file ID for file 32-bit generation count for file 32-bit volume ID for file 32-bit file ID for export point 32-bit combined snapshot ID and generation number for export
point; the upper 8 bits of that 32-bit quantity are the snapshot ID and the lower 24 bits are the generation number.
The file's file ID (but not the mount point's or export point's file ID) is *big-endian*;
So, any ideas as to how to figure this out?
Jay Orr Systems Administrator Fujitsu Nexion Inc. St. Louis, MO