While all disks are hot-swappable (assuming not active in a filesystem) all shelves are not. I believe the only shelves that are hot-swappable/hot-upgradable are DS14 shelves. On your current platform, power-cycling head (I would power-cycle all shelves as well) is needed to resolve disk addressing.
-----Original Message----- From: Magnar Stav Johanssen [mailto:magnar@infostream.no] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 3:12 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: additional fc9 shelf
On my F630 running OnTAP 5.3.7R3 with one copper Fibre Channel Host Adapter and 3 FC9 shelfs connected (in one single loop).
I would like to add a additional fc9 shelf to that loop. Do I need to powercycle the filer or will the filer find the new shelf without powercycle??
Regards, Magnar