In message 000101be8c1d$ce64b800$, "mwa lters" writes:
Just an aside (almost certainly way beyond what you require, which I think has already been answered !) -
ONTAP 5.3 has an optional (license required !) "snaprestore" feature. This basically allows you to restore an entire volume back to any chosen snapshot, over a filer reboot. This gives the additional benefit of allowing you to take a snapshot, perform whatever tests you like (eg application changes, full Y2K testing, etc), then to rollback the entire volume within a couple of minutes to exactly how it was at the point of the snapshot.
Just thought I'd mention it !
Cheers Mike
And if you don't have the license can you still call support and have them walk you through the undocumented procedures to do this from a boot floppy? It used to be covered in the NTAP 202 class (if you took the class hunt around in the binder full of PowerPoint slides they called a book for "prev_cp - boot from prior consistency point" -- they should've spent more money on books and less on leather jackets) in the Special Commands Section.
This worked with a 4.1.x boot floppy in class, not sure about the 5.x boot floppies. As I recall it was for recovering from a severely fubar'd filesystem.
As for the date flipping, I have two F740s which aren't doing anything until I get patches to 5.3D2 (maybe Friday last I heard) to make cluster failover stable, so I'll mess around with it and get back to the list. The only issue I can imagine would be some NFS clients getting upset when time "goes backwards" on the server.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Garrett Burke Sent: 21 April 1999 12:17 To: '' Subject: Y2K: Any one rolled a filer forward & backwards?
Hi All,
As part of my Y2K testing I intend rolling the date forward on my filer (F230, currently 5.2.1, NFS & CIFS) to just before midnight on the 31st and then watch it as it ticks over midnight. So far, so good. The issue I hav e (assuming the filer is Y2K compliant!) is rolling it back again.
Has anyone rolled their filer forward and then back again to put it back into production? Were there any glitches? There will be files that will have modified dates in the future, but these can be a copy of some production data which can be deleted after the test.
+-- "Jason D. Kelleher" once said: | slides they called a book for "prev_cp - boot from prior | consistency point" -- they should've spent more money on books and | less on leather jackets) in the Special Commands Section.
It's bookbags now. The saved money didn't go to the books.
| This worked with a 4.1.x boot floppy in class, not sure about the | 5.x boot floppies. As I recall it was for recovering from a | severely fubar'd filesystem.
Yes, you can do this from the 5.x floppies. The deal with snap restore was to make it 'easier' for people, although you still have to reboot the box (and you don't really physically need a floppy to do a 'floppy boot'), so it seems to be a minor difference to me. Hoever, you can revert a specific volume only to a previous CP - I can't remember if you can do that from the floppy menu.