Does anybody knows when Ontap will support native LDAP auth mechanism ?
I don't speak about M$ Active directory stuff but about OpenLDAP support.
Thanks a lot.
the only answer i found:
Data ONTAP 6.1 included the following features:
Enhanced integration with Windows: Windows 2000 native support SID-based user quotas Kerberos v5 security and authentication LDAP v3
but how is it implemented ??
greetz hannes
Frank Bonnet wrote:
Does anybody knows when Ontap will support native LDAP auth mechanism ?
I don't speak about M$ Active directory stuff but about OpenLDAP support.
Thanks a lot.
Frank Bonnet
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hannes Herret IT-Service / Storage phone : +43 (1) 60 126-34 Bacher Systems EDV GmbH fax : +43 (1) 60 126-555 Wienerbergstr. 11B mailto:hh@bacher.at A-1101 Wien, Austria www : http://www.bacher.at/ Europe