PLEASE ASSIST THE NEEDY I want to crave your indulgence in reading through this mail to understand my predicament.I am Prince johnson, a Liberia refugee currently residing at the refugee camp here in Accra-Ghana and I am 26 years old. All hope of having a better future was shattered by the war in Liberia because I and my aged mother being the only surviving family of the slain Minister of Mineral Resources of the defunct government of LIBERIA were left with no alternative than to flee to Ghana. Please I am contacting you today for you to extend a hand of fellowship to poor victims of circumstance. I want you to consider affecting my life and that of my aged mother. All hopes was lost until recently when my late father Attorney visited the refugee camp andI was fortunate to meet him. He had come searching for us at the camp to pass on certain information that will affect our existence. He said my late father had deposited Eight million united state dollars ($8m) in a trunk of boxes/ gold and diamond with a Security Company here in Ghana since June 18th 1997 stating me as the Beneficiary in event of his death.Considering his relationship with my late father, he has since handed these documents to me and I have equally gone to verify these claims hence I am contacting you to assist me in retrieving these consignments. Please, what I actually want from you now is to assist me in retrieving and receiving these consignments on my behalf because I cannot handle this as a result of my current situation. I have not disclosed this to anyone before contacting you hence I want you to kindly keep this as confidential.I beg you in the name of God not to underestimate my claimsand request because I shall endeavor to furni sh you with the necessary documents.Please be kind enough to send me an email cos for now i dont have a phone. Thank you very much and God shall increase you and your family more abundantly.
Prince johnson(for the entire family)