Hi --
We have a few Dell PowerEdge servers (2850s, 2650s, 6850s) attached to our baby SAN: a single Qlogic SANbox2. Our first foray into SAN disk service was through a DotHill SANnet4320, which worked well and was cheap in a time when SAN standards were still developing.
If the boot process of any of the Dell servers is interrupted with a ^Q, the Qlogic FC HBA FAST!UTIL BIOS leaps into high gear. The disk utilities therein can see the LUNs offered by the DotHill box.
However, the Qlogic FAST!UTIL disk utility cannot see the LUNs offered by our new NetApp FAS960. Our HP-UX servers see their associated LUNs offered from it, and the Dell servers see the two HBAs to which the NetApp is attached to the SAN. But no LUNs.
I'm copying & pasting the WWPN for the Dell servers from the SANsurfer switch admin GUI into the initiator group fields in FilerView on the NetApp, and these are the numbers I use on the DotHill box. The format seems fine, and typing the colon-separated numbers in by hand seems to make no difference.
It is not clear to me how one offers a LUN from the NetApp without LUN masking: if the LUN were global, then at least this would be a good test.
I've created several NetApp LUNs with different properties, and none seem to please the Dell boxes. Serving LUNs to the HP-UX servers worked on the first try, so I figure that I'm missing something obvious. But I don't know what. I've tried searching the Toasters archive, but haven't seen references to FAST!UTIL.
Would you send me any suggestions you may have as to why FAST!UTIL and/or the NetApp seem to be unhappy, please?
Thanks for your time & have a great day!
Don Glascock