Any reason why you are on 5.0 as opposed to Data Protector 5.1? Data Protector 5.1 is the latest and has been out for a while.
I've seen something like this when I first upgraded to Data Protector 5.1 and was trying to use NDMP backup. If I try to backup more than 1 object, it will finish the first object and then timeout.
Go to /etc/opt/omni/datalists and look at the backup specification you have. Edit the file and remove the line "DYNAMIC 1 1". After that, the backup worked fine for me.
-----Original Message----- From: Frank Bonnet [] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 3:58 AM To: Subject: Troubles with DATAPROTECTOR's HP backup software.
Since several weeks we are in trouble to make HP DATA PROTECTOR 5.0 working with our F87, the filer is connected to a HP DLT 8000 thru the fastscsi bus
It seems the filer do not send the end of session or something like that then the backup software wait forever for such signal.
The ndmp session never terminate and is "seen" active and the backup snapshot is not deleted.
Anyone has some info ? The filer is running 6.5.2R1 but the problem was the same with previous versions.
Thanks a lot.
see below error message
[Normal] From: "yfiler dev" Time: 10/17/04 16:14:10 DUMP: DUMP IS DONE
[Normal] From: "yfiler dev" Time: 10/17/04 16:14:10 DUMP: Deleting "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_backup.1" snapshot.
[Major] From: "yfiler" Time: 10/17/04 18:34:19 [61:1002] The BMA named "yfiler dev" on host reached its inactivity timeout of 8400 seconds. The agent on host will be shutdown.
[Critical] From: "yfiler" Time: 10/17/04 18:34:50 None of the Disk Agents completed successfully. Session has failed.
[Normal] From: "yfiler" Time: 10/17/04 18:34:50