Our filer has been forwarding its messages file to our syslog server without any issues. We switched the entry in the syslog.conf file to another syslog server, and stopped receiving the logs. I double-checked the format of the syslog.conf file to make sure there were no unwanted spaces. I also verified we were resolving the IP address of the other syslog server, and we also checked the messages file to make sure that syslogd was restarted. Everything looked right, our messages file was still working, but the logs were not forwarding to our syslog host.
Now here is the kicker, when we could not figure out what was causing the problem we switched back to our original log-host (which has worked fine) and we still were not getting the logs. About six hours later the log host started to receive the files. I verified that the syslogd was restarted after I edited the syslog.conf file. Has anyone had this problem, or have any ideas on what might be causing it? Thanks Drew