I change drives on the fly all the time. ESD is a big issue here, so get out your antistatic wrist-strap and make sure the host and library share the same power connection/ground!
Make sure the new drive is the same type, SCSI-ID and if possible same FirmWare. The host will see the new drive, just make sure it is not down/offline when you are finished.
This is not the recommended way, but often you just can't wait several weeks for the next sheduled downtime. This goes for most systems, not just filers.
Med hilsen - Best Regards, Karl Erik Øyøygard ProAct Systems AS Postboks 3047 - Lade Haakon VII's gt. 7 7002 Trondheim Tlf: 73 92 21 44 Fax: 73 92 08 88 Mob:93 25 24 24
E-mail: karl@proact.no SMS: +4793252424@sms.netcom.no --------------------------------------------- For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. -- H L Mencken