When I get email notification of a change in status of a support call, it looks something like:
CASE #: xxxxxx.00000 SERIAL #: yyyyy Site: "mathworks" City: Natick Status: Closed Symptom: "CPU ECC ERROR; SYS ECC ERROR; DIMM=J27" Internal action associated with the case has been completed Actions due to be performed: --------------------------------------- Action: RMA Status: OPEN Due Date: Jul 6 2000 For further information, please view your case at "http://now.netapp.com/Self-Service/Forms/frmCaseView.asp?CaseId=xxxxxx.00000" If you reply to this mail please do not change the Subject line.
Is it possible to include in this email the *changes* to the case? It is an annoyance to go to a web browser, login to the NOW site, and check. Seems like just enclosing the changed actions would be straightforward, and I can decide if I need to login to NOW to add comments or not.
Thanks for listening.
Until next time...
The Mathworks, Inc. 508-647-7000 x7792 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098 508-647-7001 FAX tmerrill@mathworks.com http://www.mathworks.com ---
Todd> Is it possible to include in this email the *changes* to the Todd> case? It is an annoyance to go to a web browser, login to the Todd> NOW site, and check. Seems like just enclosing the changed Todd> actions would be straightforward, and I can decide if I need to Todd> login to NOW to add comments or not.
I want to second this as well. It sucks not getting what changed in the email.
Thanks, John John Stoffel - Senior Unix Systems Administrator - Lucent Technologies stoffel@lucent.com - http://www.lucent.com - 978-952-7548 john.stoffel@ascend.com - http://www.ascend.com