So after trying a wide variety of things there was nothing that I could do to prevent snapmirror from using the loopback adapter for in controller snapmirrors. I really wish that 7G had the volume move command like GX.
Thanks anyway for the suggestions.
On 1/15/10 1:38 AM, "Nils Vogels" wrote:
What you could try (and I don't know if it works) is specify the snapmirror destination as the interface IP of one of your ethernet interfaces ?
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 01:15, André M. Clark wrote:
I need to keep snapshots so vol copy is out. Also, it will still use the internal loopback adapter. What I am trying to do is see if I can get faster throughput than the loopback adapter within the same controller. I will definitely let you know what the final outcome is. Thanks for the advice.
On 1/14/10 6:12 AM, "Romeo Theriault" wrote:
If you do not need snapshots then maybe vol copy will do what you need.
vol copy can copy snapshots as well. From vol man page,
vol copy start [ -S | -s snapshot ] source destination
Copies all data, including snapshots, from one vol- ume to another. If the -S flag is used, the com- mand copies all snapshots in the source volume to the destination volume. To specify a particular snapshot to copy, use the -s flag followed by the name of the snapshot.
Though I'm not sure this would be any faster than a snapmirror.
Andre, I'd be interested to hear what your outcome of this eventually is.