I have a 520 filer running 6.1.2 that I am trying to join to my samba domain (3.0.14).
I run cifs setup and I get: <snip> CIFS supports three types of user authentication: 1. Windows Domain authentication. 2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts. 3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS based authentication. What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: The filer will use Windows Domain authentication. Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:HPS CIFS - could not determine domain type. Assuming NT4 domain. CIFS - Connecting filer to the NT4 domain. CIFS - Primary Domain Controller must be active for installation.
CIFS local server is shutting down...
Now the truly sad thing is I did have this filer joined to my domain previously when I was running the beta version of Samba 3, but when I updated this summer, to the latest and greatest no luck.
All help is appreciated.
Scott Sherrill wrote:
I have a 520 filer running 6.1.2 that I am trying to join to my samba domain (3.0.14).
Now the truly sad thing is I did have this filer joined to my domain previously when I was running the beta version of Samba 3, but when I updated this summer, to the latest and greatest no luck.
Magnus Swenson pointed me in the right direction. I needed to put the fully qualified domain instead of just HPS and it worked. Now I need to fiddle with my shares, but I am much closer (and relaxed) than I was a little while ago.
Thank you Magnus!!!!