We are currently a Lotus Notes shop and are looking to move to Exchange.
Sorry to hear that. Do you really want to do that??
We have specked out a server and are planning to place the Exchange data
on the filer.
Do you know you are placing your Exchange server in an unsupported mode as far as Microsoft is concerned???
Our question is related to connectivity. Is anyone running
fast ethernet between their filer and Exchange server? Or is Gigabit the best bet?
The place where I work has purchased another filer (we already have one being used for network file services) so that we can move our Exchange databases to it (against my recommendations). The salesman told us that GigE on a private network between the filer and the server is the only way to go. It needs the GigE for quick responses to the Exchange server. I do not have any personal experiences yet.
How many people are you planning on supporting and how active are they on e-mail??
Good lUck.
- Scott W.