I'm trying to configure ssh/https admin access from any host to a filer, but no telnet, no http admin and rsh access from one host only (the admin host).
I can't find how I can control ssh/https access separately. Is this really not possible or am I missing something?
how do others manage secure filer management via cli and gui?
thanks - Moritz
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On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 05:34:30PM +0100, Moritz Willers wrote:
I'm trying to configure ssh/https admin access from any host to a filer, but no telnet, no http admin
You need to have SecureAdmin installed and then options: ssh.enable on ssl.enable on httpd.enable off [1] telnet.enable off
Plus perhaps trusted.hosts
and rsh access from one host only (the admin host).
That I don't know, I use 'option rsh.enable off'
[1] Hm, not sure if I still need these options: httpd.access legacy httpd.admin.access host=adm.ho.st.ip httpd.admin.enable on