We have the following:
Head One:
redo logs dbf files dbs files ctl files system temp
Head Two:
redo logs archive logs ctl files
Sun Server: oracle binaries ctl files
Since its dedicated to our production database I am thinking of moving some of the data files over to Head Two to improve performance.
We have seperate mount points for each database component so we can move as needed without too much effort.
art hebert
-----Original Message----- From: George Kahler [mailto:george@YorkU.CA] Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 7:30 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Placing Oracle onto a cluster
I would appreciate if someone could share how they break the various Oracle parts (pls excuse, I'm not a DBA), ie. data, logs, archives, & etc. amongst the various volumes in a NetApp cluster.
I have an Oracle instance running on a singe F840 that very shortly is going to be clustered. The Oracle binaries are in a separate qtree and the rest the DBAs put in another qtree that I created for them. The qtrees and mount are by the SID. (HR)
On the toaster /vol/db/<sid>/archs archive logs /ctl control files /data dbf files /rbs dbs files /redo redo logs /system /temp
this gets mounted on a Sun DB server as filer:/vol/db/HR /rmounts/HR /oradata/HR --> /rmounts/DB/HR The DBAs refer to the database by a slink /oradata/HR in this case.
A new mandate is to utilize the clustered F840s and to separate the database (.dbf), the redo and archive logs.
In the cluster env there are now 4 volumes, 2 on each head. One for database, the other for logs (one has snapshots the other does not). Production DB is on one head, QA on the other. filer: A filer: B ------------------------ vol DB vol DB vol log vol log
Do you folks that spread your logs end up with multiple nfs mounts per database? Do I suggest to my DBAs that I will have something like:
A:/vol/db/HR/u01/data /rmounts/HR/u01 /rbs /system /temp
A:/vol/log/HR/u02/redo1 /rmounts/HR/u02 /arch1 /ctl1
B:/vol/log/HR/u03/redo2 /rmounts/HR/u03 /arch2 /ctl2 /oradata/HR --> /rmounts/HR
So I end up with 3 nfs mounts for each instance of the database? How do you people do this? There are about 10 other DBs waiting. What about a DSS; a reporting database? At the present time with all of the DB components on one volume all the DBAs have to snap the one volume and they can start up a DSS instance.
In this new scenario, I guess they will still have to snap the DB volume and also snap one of the LOG volumes. What do you do?
Sorry for being so winded but I was looking for specifics, unfortunately I couldn't find anything on either the NOW site or the archive list. Just the White Papers that describe the concept.
Thanks, George
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- George Kahler e-mail: george@yorku.ca Sr. Systems Administrator humans: (416) 736-2100 x.22699 Computing and Network Services machines: (416) 736-5830 Ontario, Canada, M3J-1P3