currently our clearcase vobs are being stored with its database on a sun server and its storage pools on a filer.
this setup has been working well for over a year now and now i would like to try to access the same vobs from an nt. i've been told its possible but i'm not certain of the proper steps involved.
the goal is to be able to access the same vob from nt and unix at the same time.
here's the setup i've got so far (correct me where i'm wrong)
1. Registry server = reg1 (sun server) 2. Region = 3g (on the sun server) 3. License server = lic1 (sun server) 4. vob databases = /usr/test/vobstore1 (on sun server vob1) 5. vob pools = /usr/test/vobpool1 (on netapp)
so far so good...
6. netapp is a member of our nt domain 7. an entry has been made in the usermap.cfg file to map the unix owner: <domainname><nt clearcase services account> == <unix vob owner> 8. the replica_uuid file has been copied in from the database directory 9. ????
i'd appreciate any comments on this setup that you might have,