We have our backups set to run over CIFS shares that have the vscan disabled. We can backup at faster speed and the filer is still protected. We found it easiest to duplicate all of our root shares in this manner.
cifs shares -add <sharename> <path> -novscan or -novscanread
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Mike Sphar Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:54 PM To: ''toasters@mathworks.com' ' Subject: RE: VSCAN and Backsups
I may stand corrected, but I don't believe the part below is true. I don't believe the real-time settings on the Trend server have any bearing on which files are scanned. From what I see, it appears to me that the Netapp decides whether a file should be scanned or not, and then sends a specific manual "Please scan this file" request to the Trend server.
The Netapp is supposed to "cache" which files have been scanned and verified as clean, I believe, so static files shouldn't be slowing down the backup process once they've been scanned the first time, no?