Hello Toasterites,
I've been playing (fighting with) Cricket on and off for awhile now. It strikes me as a tool that could be alot of help *if* you understand how it thinks. This is were I fall short. I've never gotten Cricket to work like it ought to, and it seems, IMHO, to be a poorly documented app. Most instructures and howto's simply tell you to "edit file blah and your done!". This just isn't enough juice for me.
So, has anyone documented the setup of Cricket for the express purposes of monitoring various aspects of filers? The only "docs" I've found specific to filers were the comments in the netapp module for Cricket, which isn't much help. A complete "Howto Setup Cricket for NetApp Filers" would be really really helpful. It looks really easy, but I just can't seem to get my fingers around it.
Any help/ideas?