Hi, I was going to test snap restore the other day on one of our filers, it didn't work out the way I was hoping...
Anyway, the problem was that the volume is snapmirrored to another filer and the "snap restore" told me that you can't restore on volumes that are snapmirrored. I didn't think that was a big problem until today I discovered that the snapmirroring stoped at around the time I tried the restore..
So now I have a volume that can't do snapshots anymore.. I couldn't even take the volume offline because the snap restore is still running (But restoring a single file shouldn't really take a week to complete, right?)
Anybody know how to kill the snap restore?(or remove the lock/flag) I'd rather not reboot unless theres no other option.
(the filer is a fas920 running if thats any help...)
/ Mats