Hello toasters,
I like to get (and share with the toasters community) some information about typical usage frequency of ONTAP 7 advanced mode commands .
If you like to participate, please send your answer to: norbert.geissler@siemens.com until april 30th 2006 .
I'll post a anonymizated summary to toasters afterwards.
Many thanks in advance for taking your time for participation, Norbert
====================================== ONTAP 7G advanced mode commands survey ====================================== Do you use the following advanced mode commands in your daily work ?
Please mark with: f for frequently s for seldom n for never
command f/s/n ---------------------------- blink_off blink_on bootfs cmos_read cmos_write com dd disk_list disk_stat exit getXXbyYY hammer ic led_off led_off_all led_on led_on_all led_on_off led_test led_test_one lmem_stat log ls mbstat mem_scrub_stats nfs_hist ontapi panic perf ps registry remote rm rod scsi show_bios_log showfh showfh4 sm_mon smb_hist snet statit syslog tape_qual test_lcd toe wafl wafl_susp ======================================
----------------------------------------------------------------------- SIEMENS Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co. OHG Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 81739 München Norbert Geissler Tel.: +49 (0)89 636 48132 SBS ORS GOP DC G ST1 Fax: +49 (0)89 636 28889 Managed Storage E-Mail: norbert.geissler@siemens.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------