Could you please provide some details on the configuration you are using (i.e. what PC-NFS package and what MS office version).
Some PC apps, like Office, use the CIFS file locking to implement semaphores. In some cases, this causes problems on the PC application. NetApp's solution is to provide the Microsoft file sharing protocol, CIFS, on the filer, thus guaranteeing good integration with PC apps and at the same time provide access to the same data that is being accessed or written over NFS (from UNIX).
At 11:37 26/06/97 -0500, you wrote:
Has anybody other than myself had problems with MS Word (.doc) and Excel (.xls) files stored on a NetApps (F-220) periodically being corrupted?
I have had a half dozen or so problems in the last 6 months. Example is I have .xls files that start to load in Excel and about 1/2 way (looking at bar scale at the bottom of Excel) they spit out an error message "Unable to read file."
"NetApps are (or maybe 'were') dependable, but STILL not as fast as my
Sparc 20."
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