Seems like they could send an SNMP trap to another computer and have it do the scan
"E.J. Jantz" wrote:
good luck! my understanding is that the operating system the NetApp uses is too lean to support virus scanning on-access.
EJ Jantz, IST Dept. BSW International One West Third, Ste 100 Tulsa, OK 74103-3505 918 582-8771 918 295-4166 918 587-3594 fax
Matt Graham 4/11/01 9:55:56 AM >>>
Am I wrong? These all seem to be for virus scanning of files going to or from the internet. Are there any plans for some sort of on-access file scanning? We have virus scanning on the workstations, but we like to have double protection in case a computer slips through, or someone's virus definitions don't get updated.
Brian Tao wrote:
On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Gifford, Josh wrote:
Here is the press release:
I just saw this on Symantec's site today (and dated April 10):
Symantec Provides Carrier-Class Anti-Virus Technology for Range of Network Appliance Devices
CUPERTINO, Calif. - April 10, 2001 - Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC),
world leader in Internet security technology, today announced the availability of CarrierScan Server for NetApp filers and NetCache appliances. The first to protect both devices, CarrierScan Server
integrates critical protection from viruses and other malicious
with Network Appliance's powerful data management and content
products to ensure the safe and reliable storage and delivery of network-attached data.
-- Brian Tao (BT300, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"