Just to let you know we have two special course planned at our new training facility at Bordesley Hall, Alvechurch, neaar Birmingham, that you may be interested in
NLP For Business Excellence This course is for people who want to learn NLP to develop themselves and to use in business. It starts on the 8th of May and runs for three days with the remaining three days starting on the 12th of June. The charge is £735 (£535 if self funding), you can attend just the first three days for £399 (£299 if self funding).
Special Weekend Diploma This course is for people who want to learn NLP to develop themselves and to use in coaching/counselling and for those of you who want to attend a course but do not have the support of you company to take the time off we are running a weekend course on the 1 - 2/07/2006 & 5 - 6/08/2006. £490 (£355 if self-funding)
See http://www.thelearningpath.co.uk/Scheduled-Courses/ for the full schedule of courses or alternatively, Call us on 01527 585310 for bespoke courses
All prices are excluded the dreaded VAT!
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